The Most Popular Myths About Ukrainian Girls
People tend to believe almost every word they hear from others and don't "double-check" it. Especially, this happens to men who'd like to seek a wife in a foreign country like Ukraine. It’s full of weird and funny stereotypes about women. Which ones are right? Let’s decide!
What Ukrainian stereotypes are true?
Myth #1. Blondes.
This is a very popular stereotype and it's not only widespread in Ukraine. Nevertheless, people still make jokes about blonde girls. However, it has been scientifically proven there’s no connection between the hair color and the level of intelligence.
But blonde girls themselves are used to such an attitude. Now they often even make fun of themselves and bring it up as an excuse for any failure or mistake.

Myth #2. Ukrainian women drink a lot.
Not true. Ukrainian girls have nothing to do with binge drinking. They prefer going out for a cocktail on a Friday night with their friends or drinking wine in some fancy restaurant. Even if they go to a nightclub, you won't be seeing them drunk. They would rather dance or sing in a karaoke just for fun.
Myth #3. Most of the Ukrainian girls are housewives.
It used to be like that in Soviet times. Now, Ukrainian women feel they can change the world too. They know what they’re capable of so that they look for a job, work hard to get a promotion, and eventually become the top managers or CEOs of large companies or establish their own businesses.
Nowadays, it's hard to say a successful woman is just a good housewife like it used to be in the past century. Today, the more skills and experience at work she has, the more successful she is. Moreover, modern Ukrainian women can combine household chores with work and hobbies pretty well. She can work full time at the office and have a three-course meal cooked for dinner, clean house and attend yoga classes at the same time.
Finally, Ukrainian women are fighting for their rights and are mainly feminists, so you can't mess with them. They’ll prove their point and can defend themselves if necessary.

Myth #4. Ukrainian women eat a lot.
They say it's very hard to feed a Ukrainian woman, but it's not true at all. Don’t believe all stereotypes of Ukrainian women! They cook a lot, but not for themselves but for the whole family. Гkrainian women take care of themselves and their bodies in particular: they go in for sport and try to always eat healthy food. They also want their future husband to be good-looking and neat, so if you still don't pay attention to what you eat, it's high time you start doing it.
Myth #5. Ukrainian ladies are only looking for rich foreign husbands because they believe no Ukrainian man can make them happy and wealthy.
This is what people might think of some Ukrainian girls at first sight. It's true that many Ukrainian girls wear expensive clothes, buy the latest smartphones, and travel to exotic countries a couple of times a year. But all of this isn’t necessarily their real lifestyle. Some of them may want to build such an image to grab the attention of a wealthy foreigner.
The truth is, the majority of real Ukrainian women don't need all this to prove something to someone. They’re looking for pure feelings, not for someone's money. So if you’re lucky enough, you’ll meet this exact type of woman.
These are some general Ukrainian girl stereotypes. Of course, every woman is special and these myths are just a part of the Ukrainian mentality. No matter what they say about Ukrainian girls, it's not necessarily true. Just follow your heart when you meet that only one girl. No stereotype can ruin a truly strong and committed relationship.